Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Piltdown Man HOAX!

The Piltdown Hoax was an event that brought the scientific world and the public in uproar when they discovered that they were fooled for over forty years.  They were led to believe there some of the most ancient Englishman remains had been found at Piltdown.  Piltdown was an Archeological site in England and it so happened to be that an amateur yet very ambitious archeologist named Charles Dawson found what appeared to be an apes jaw but what was significant was that the teeth pattern appeared to be human.  Dawson then invited Smith Wood-worth who at the time was a leading archeologist and Arthur Keith to the site of the discovery and together the trio made astonishing finds.  The trio announced the discovery to the public in Dec 1912.  England was no longer left behind since they too had discovered ancient human remains…but not just that they found remains that might hold the link that scientist had been looking for the link of humans and apes.
 In the 1920s more ancient remains were discovered all over the world but they seemed to be older than the Piltdown man yet they were the complete opposite.  Their skulls were found to be less human not more human.  Om 1949 Fluorine test proved that the remains dated to hundreds of thousand years old but not million as many had thought.  By 1953 a full analysis was done on the remains.  The techniques had increased and they had better dating methods.  It was then that the staining was shown to be artificial and that material was cut off after it was fossilized.  The jaw belonged to a female orangutan less than a hundred years old.  After they put the teeth under a microscope they could clearly see the teeth were filed down.  Charles Dawson immediately became the prime suspect because he was the one that first did the discovery and everyone knew he was ambitious and wanted to be a part of the prestige scientific world.

 In the end half of all his findings were found to be forged.  Wood-worth was questionable because he already was a lead archeologist and even after Dawson died poor man kept on digging at the same site.  Arthur Keith is also a suspect because in him supporting and being a part of this hoax only helped him prove his pet theory of evolution.  In 1975 they added another suspect:  Martin Hinton who at the time was a volunteer at the museum.  They found a trunk filled with forged artifacts very similar to the ones of the Piltdown man.  But they don’t have actual evidence that he was in fact a part of this hoax.

The human faults that came to play in the Piltdown man hoax were ambition, rivalry, jealousy and pride.  Being competitive is human nature I believe no matter what we always want to be better than our competition.  At the time Germany had made an “ape man discover,” England hadn’t discovered any ancient remains so maybe even though many questioned the findings no one spoke up about it because to the rest of the world England had found to that point the oldest remains.  Dawson was also just a beginner but very ambitious and full of pride.  He didn’t just want to climb up the ladder he wanted to leap to the finish line and this hoax was his one way ticket to success. 

3.            The aspects responsible for revealing the truth and that defrauded this hoax was the chemical test by a Paleontologist named Oakley that was able to date fossils.  This was in 1943 when Oakley invented fluorine testing to date fossils.  The testing was simple fossils absorb fluorine from soil and water so fossils that have been in the same soil for the same length in time should have same amount of fluorine.  The test proved to date the fossils back to hundreds of thousand years old not a million.  Later in 1967 Oakley and another scientist took the same fluorine test but enhanced or bettered and also discovered that the teeth were not the same age as the skull.  And that is when they noticed the staining of the bones to make them appear ancient

 Human factor is what makes us humans who we are no matter what field we choose to be in.  As a scientist many discoveries and inventions have been made simply because they were curious.  Curiosity is a big human factor.  Because scientist in the past have been curious and gone past the curiosity to observe and challenged themselves to find and prove their theories that is why we know what we know now.  Without human factors we would all be very boring people sitting around not really caring what if…  We shouldn’t be biased when it comes to science and we should keep things like rivalry and child play out but curious we should always be.  So to remove human factor to reduce errors could possibly reduce errors but there are no errors to be made if no one was curious enough to investigate that certain matter or subject.
 There is no way that our society now would be fooled by such a thing.  Now a days even if something is sitting in front of me I question the ins and outs of it.  Even now the government and doctors say one thing and I choose to believe my own research and findings. Even though I even question that because in the end my research includes a lot of the internet.  Even though they are verifiable sources who says they are verifiable?  How do I know they truly are?  To me even verified sources are always to a degree unrealistic or unverified.  Seems that now a days a scientist or doctor says one thing and everyone is gun-ho about it for a couple of years and boom ends up being doctor so and so was connected to so and so so of course the rest of the scientific world backed him up.  And how could you go against the government? If they say its true its true right? What to believe or who to believe is a big mystery in my point of view.  Everything and everyone is influenced bye something or someone for example the media...that is a whole other subject though..


  1. Hello Jeanette!
    I enjoyed very much reading your blog post especially about the human faults how human beings are naturally competitive. Which in a way it makes sense why Dawson created this hoax. I'm not justifying him in any way but because of all the other discoveries occurring in other places, he wanted to be the first in England. Which was quite selfish and foolish of his part because now he will be known as the man who lied. Great job!!

  2. Hello Jeanette and classmates:
    I agree with your analysis completely.
    In 1953 when Oakley performed his test, I understood it to be a nitrogen test. I’ve subsequently researched online to learn more about the testing and discovered the similarities. The process explains how fossils absorb fluorine from soil and water so fossils unearthed would have the same amount of fluorine as the surrounding soil. It’s easy to see how removing the human factor from research to reduce errors, may well reduce errors but science would lose those curious minds that would take the time to research and investigate that particular discipline. I disagree with you, however, that society could never again be so fooled. I think it happens more than we (the public) is really aware. Yes, while we can debate the minutiae of “verifiable sources” we still must do our own thinking and draw our own conclusions.
    Good job!
    Debbie G.

  3. Good detail on your background of the hoax. One point related to this line:

    " ...the link that scientist had been looking for the link of humans and apes"

    It is important to recognize that there is no single link between humans and apes. I know they use the term "missing link" in the video, but you need to understand the problems with this term. Did you have the opportunity to review the video in the assignment folder about the use of this term? Is it valid to use this term to explain the importance of Piltdown? There was another, more important piece of information that would have been gained from this find, had it been valid regarding the size of the cranium and which came first, bipedalism vs. large brains. Did you see that information?

    Excellent discussion on human faults. You caught both the faults involved in perpetrating the hoax and the faults on the part of scientists in accepting the find too quickly.

    Good coverage of the fluorine analysis. What qualities of the process of science itself helped to uncover the hoax? Why were they still analyzing this find 40 years later?

    "Curiosity is a big human factor. "

    Correct. Great connection.

    Very good explanation of your life lesson. Other than a couple of points, good post.
